miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2007

My first e-mail

This is the first email I sent to my teacher Lourdes about myself.

Dear Lourdes!!

My name is Tània. My surname is Marín. I’m sixteen years old. I was
born in Girona in 1990. My birthday is on 4th January. My address is
5-7 Arrebassades, st Castelló d’ Empúries.
My village, Castelló d’ Empúries it’s very boring because when
arrived the winter, the village is dead, but arrived the summer it’s
very funny because is the party of the village.
My hobby are taekwondo, I practiced in Figueras witch my friends.
Also, I like rollerblading.
When I finished the school I go to the university but I don’t know
the pass!!

Good bye Lourdes!!Write soon!!


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